Pleasssant dreamsss: 18 snakes found in bedroom

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AUGUSTA, Ga. — A Georgia family made a nightmare discovery in one of their bedrooms — 18 snakes slithering in their home.

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Trish Wilcher posted photos of the serpent roommates to Facebook this weekend, writing, “Look at all the baby snakes in my bedroom ... I am freaked out,” WSB reported.

In all, there were 17 baby snakes and one Wilcher called the “momma.”

A trapper paid a visit to the home and removed the snake family Monday, WSB reported.

Wilcher thinks that recently-cleared land near her home forced the snake family’s relocation into her bedroom.

To prevent snakes from making your home theirs, Smanatha Kennett, a wildlife technician, told WSB that you should remove brush or log piles that could attract mice or other small animals that snakes eat from your yard.